Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly
Figure reaching for a star Issue 6 • Summer 2003 • Featured Writer • Drama

Home Again

Troy Hill

Act II, Scene 5

Scene 5.

Days later. Jon's apartment. Jon opens the door and Al is standing there with a travel bag over his shoulder. They don't know each other.


Hi. My name is Al.

I'm glad you're here. I know you're new, but the thing is you have to wait in the hall until the time of your appointment because I can't be interrupted while I'm with other patients. You can wait here or in the lobby. I appreciate it.

Um, is Todd here?

What? No. He, he doesn't live here now. Are you my twelve o'clock?

No. I'm sorry for the confusion. My name is Albert Goodman. I'm Todd's brother-in-law, and I know this probably sounds crazy, but I'm looking for my wife.

Actually it doesn't sound crazy, and I may be able to help you, but you are going to have to wait downstairs because I am with a patient at the moment.

Listen, I know you don't know me from Adam, but I am dying to use the men's room. Could I please quietly use the facilities?

Okay, look, it's straight across on the left. You can just wait here in the kitchen when you're through. I can't come back out to lock the door. So you can use it, but you'll have to wait ten minutes until I'm finished. And please be quiet. And when my patient comes out to leave, just act like you're my next appointment.

(Whispering) I'll try to look depressed.

That's really not necessary. Just follow me and I'll point you to the door.

Jon locks the door. Jon goes to the other room. Al goes to the toilet. Audrey walks in with grocery bags after unlocking the door. She puts the keys down on the counter and starts putting away the groceries. Al walks back in. He stares at Audrey from behind as she puts stuff away. Eventually she turns around, sees Al, and screams.


(Al screams in response) Aaaaaaaaaa!

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

You scared me!

You scared me!

Audrey runs into Al's arms.

I've been so worried about you.

I've been worried about you, too.

Where have you been? I've been searching the country and all of its hospitals and police stations for a week.

Jon rushes into the room.

What is going on in here? Audrey. Why are you back?

The museum's closed on Monday. I'm sorry, I was trying to be quiet. I bought some groceries to make you dinner.

My patient is freaking out. This is not good. This is really not okay. I see that you two are having a surprise reunion and I'm sure that's very taxing, but I am angry right now.

Listen, I apologize. We're totally out of line here. Audrey and I'll go out for coffee. We have a lot to discuss, I imagine. What do you say?

Sure. Okay.

Just be quiet.

Sorry Jon.

Audrey gets her keys from the counter.

You've got keys?

They exit. Jon watches them go.

Next Page:   Act II, Scene 6   (page 16 of 22 pages)

All Pages:   See the entire play on one page

Table of Contents:   Home Again

Troy Hill

Troy Ernest Hill (misterhill@nyc.rr.com) is a playwright and actor in New York City, originally from Atlanta, Georgia. In the eighth grade he won the "Most Outstanding Student Award," and in the eleventh grade the Creative Writing Award. Since that time, it's been more or less a downward spiral. He is currently in the Off-Broadway smash Birdy's Bachelorette Party, and he is a white belt in karate.

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