Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly
Figure reaching for a star Issue 19 • Fall 2006 • Featured Writer • Drama


Michael Griffo

Scene 2

The present. The set needs to be multi-functional to suggest several locations and the set pieces should look modern in their design. It's morning in BOBBY and ALEX's apartment. There are three doors, one SL, one SR, and one Up Center; a couch or a few chairs close together, SL; and a small kitchen table or some kind of flat surface, SR. At rise, BOBBY is dressed for work in a trendy black outfit with an orange messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He is rushing to leave for work and whips open the UC door. ALEX, who has been leaning on the door, stumbles into the apartment. He is disheveled, hung over, and holding something in his hand that we can't see. They are both surprised to see each other.


You're still here.


Running late.


Me, too.


Just coming in?


No. No, no, no. (PAUSE) I was resting. Thought I lost my keys, but (HE OPENS HIS HAND TO REVEAL HIS KEYS AND LAUGHS) they were here all along.


I'm gonna be late.


Go! Go ... wherever it is you go to.


It's called a job. (PAUSING AT THE DOOR) Going to yours today?

ALEX rushes over to the table and takes a vial of cocaine and a small straw out of his pants pocket. He draws some coke lines on the table.


Yeah. Why not? Just need a shower ... and some breakfast.


Have a good day.

ALEX starts to snort the lines of coke through the straw. BOBBY watches for a second, then exits.


No can do, Bobby. I'm gonna have a great day.


Next Page:   Act , Scene 3   (page 4 of 11 pages)

All Pages:   See the entire play on one page

Table of Contents:   syzygy

Michael Griffo's plays include No More Sundays, winner of the New Jersey Perry Award, and Two/Pieces. His ten-minute plays include "Cloudy" and "5G/10B," both to be published in winter 2007 in The Best Ten-Minute Plays 2005 (Smith & Kraus). Mr. Griffo graduated from New York University and studied at Playwrights Horizons and Gotham Writers Workshop. He is represented by ICM (bthomas@icmtalent.com) for theatre and The Evan Marshall Agency (evanmarshall@thenovelist.com) for literature. Contact Michael at michaelgriffo@hotmail.com.

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