Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly
Figure reaching for a star


Julia Bloch
Featured Interview: An Interview with Dodie Bellamy
Julia Bloch grew up in Northern California and Sydney, Australia. She earned an MFA at Mills College. Her work has appeared in Five Fingers Review, Mirage/Period(ical), How2, 26: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics, Suspect Thoughts: A Journal of Subversive Writing, Small Town, Stolen Island Review, Laundry Pen, and the "new brutalism" anthology from Avenue B Involuntary Vision: After Akira Kurosawa's Dreams. She has published a chapbook with Bigfan Press, and in 2003 she won the Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award. She lives in San Francisco, where she works as an editor and writes epistolary poems to Kelly Clarkson, the tow-headed winner of the first American Idol reality TV series.

Mark Doty
Featured Lodestar Writer: Prose: Infernal Sympathies
Mark Doty is the author of seven books of poems, including School of the Arts, a collection expected to be published in spring 2005. He has also published three volumes of nonfiction prose: Heaven's Coast, a memoir which won the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for Nonfiction, Firebird, an autobiography, and Still Life With Oysters and Lemon, a meditation on objects and intimacy. His work has been honored by the National Book Critics Circle Award, the T.S. Eliot Prize, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and two Lambda Literary Awards. He has also received a Whiting Writers Award, a Lila Wallace/Readers Digest Writers Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts. Doty has taught at the University of Iowa, New York University, Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College, and the University of Houston. He lives in New York City and Provincetown.

Cindy M. Emch
Poetry: Not Done Yet
Cindy M. Emch is a farm town poet finding the small bits of rural in the big city. She has been writing poetry for twenty years and has self-published three chapbooks: "The Brahma of the Blue Shoe," "Autumn Leaves Don't Always Turn," and "Notes from a Big Tough Journal." Her pop culture writings have been published in Taste of Latex, American Sexuality, Women in Power, and RedEye Magazine. She has read at open mics from Michigan to San Francisco, and she hosts Queer Open Mic at Three Dollar Bill Café in San Francisco.

Michael Graves
Fiction: From Kissing
Michael Graves is twenty-six. He lives and writes in Massachusetts. His fiction has appeared in many literary journals, including Velvet Mafia, Eclectica Magazine, Cherry Bleeds, Naked Poetry, The Armchair Aesthete, S.L.U.G. Fest Limited, bastardgenres, Ken Again, and Dusty Lizard. Michael's work was also featured in the print anthology Eclectica Magazine's Best Fiction, Volume One. One of his book reviews can be found in Lambda Book Report.

Laura Jent
Poetry: Our Little Plan
Laura Jent lives in Durham, North Carolina where she works as a nanny and a writer, takes far too many self-portraits, organizes knitting nights, and researches autism. In 2005, her convergent text/visual work done with artists from across the U.S. is expected to be hung in North Carolina galleries. Her poetry has appeared online at The Attic Which Is Desire, Scarlet Letters, and Shampoo Poetry.

Wayne Johns
Featured Poetry: Are You a Sheep or a Goat?, Moth, Mouth, Mother, 'There is Nothing We May Call Our Own...', Antipsalms, The Harrowing
Wayne Johns's poems have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, The Cortland Review, Image, The James White Review, Meridian, and Ploughshares, among others. His work has appeared in several anthologies, including American Diaspora (University of Iowa Press) and This New Breed: Gents, Bad Boys & Barbarians 2 (Windstorm). He received a Reader's Choice Award from Prairie Schooner, an Editor's Choice Award from Mid-American Review, and the first annual Frank O'Hara Award for his chapbook "An Invisible Veil Between Us" (Thorngate Road).

Mako Matsuda
Poetry: Smoking Too Much
Mako Matsuda is finishing a creative writing undergraduate degree at San Francisco State and works at Half Price Books in Concord, California. His claim to fame is that he kissed Morrissey's hand during a concert.

Elijah Oberman
Poetry: What I Know About War, Anatomy Lesson: Cells or The First Love Poem
Elijah Oberman is transgender and Jewish from Charlottesville, Virginia. He currently lives in Brooklyn, plays violin with the syndicate, and works with Jews Against the Occupation.

Alex Romani
Fiction: Personal Statement
Alex Romani resides in Milwaukee, where he makes his living as a writer, editor and media consultant. "Personal Statement" is his first published fiction; his first short story to be published in print is expected to appear in the fall 2005 issue of Other Voices. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, he holds a master's degree in newswriting and reporting from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and is working toward an MFA in the Writing Seminars at Bennington College.

Amy Silver
Fiction: How To Fly A Sign (If You Are A Girl)
Amy Silver lives in Washington state with her sister, her niece, and three cats. She works for a temp service. In 2002, she hitchhiked to Maine and returned in an unreliable old van. Inspired by that road trip, she is working on a collection of stories. Her fiction has appeared in Outsiderink.com. Amy can be reached at silveramy77@yahoo.com.

Jose Skinner
Featured Fiction: La Quebrada
Jose Skinner is author of Flight and Other Stories, a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection and finalist for the Western States Book Award for fiction. He has published fiction in Boulevard, Witness, Colorado Review, and many others. He is assistant professor of creative writing at University of Texas-Pan American.

Susan Stinson
Poetry: Met Roof Garden
Susan Stinson's third novel, Venus of Chalk, was published in 2004 by Firebrand Books and named in a Book Marks syndicated column by Richard LaBonte as one of the top ten fiction books of 2004. Her other books are Martha Moody, Fat Girl Dances with Rocks, and Belly Songs. Her livejournal can be found at www.livejournal.com/~susanstinson. A short story and an article about fat queer writers and artists is expected to appear in the December 2004 issue of Lambda Book Report, and she'll be reading in San Francisco on March 13, 2005 at the Writers With Drinks spoken word variety show. She is currently at work on a novel about eighteenth century preacher Jonathan Edwards. She lives in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Michelle Tea
Fiction: I Like To Give Women Pleasure
Michelle Tea is the author of several memoirs, a couple anthologies, and a book of poetry. Her most recent book is the illustrated novel Rent Girl, with art by Laurenn McCubbin.

Harry Thomas
Fiction: Loser Leave Town
Harry Thomas was raised in Tallahassee, Florida, a place culturally closer to South Georgia than South Beach. He holds an MFA from University of Alabama and his fiction has appeared in Lodestar Quarterly (Issue 12, Winter 2004), Best Gay Erotica 2004, and Six Little Things. Grievously addicted to school, he is currently at work on a PhD at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Justin Thomas
Poetry: you let someone in
Justin Thomas (formerly Dani Kolling) is a FTM poet living in the East Bay region of California. His work has been featured in GOD's Work (50 Gallons of Diesel), Gravity, and Purr Magazine.

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