
Issue 16 • Winter 2005
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Djuna Barnes
Featured Lodestar Writer: Fiction: What Do You See, Madam?, The Confessions of Helen Westley
Djuna Barnes was born on the 12th of June 1892 in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York. She began her career as a reporter and illustrator for magazines, under pseudonyms such as Lydia Steptoe, and Gunga Duhl, the Pen Performer. In the 1920s she lived in Paris with her lover, the sculptor and silverpoint artist, Thelma Wood. She was a member of the influential coterie of mostly lesbian women that included Natalie Barney and Janet Flanner. Although she wrote many plays, short stories, and poems, she is best known for her novel Nightwood, written in 1936.
Casey Charles
Poetry: December
Casey Charles is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Montana where he teaches Renaissance Studies and Gay and Lesbian Literature. He has published poems in Spanish and English, essays on Shakespeare and Chaucer, and the book The Sharon Kowalski: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial, nominated for a Publishing Triangle Award in 2004. A selection from his collection The Places They Came From was a finalist in the Crazyhorse Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Competition in 2005.
Holly Demeter
Poetry: Out of habit
Holly Demeter lives in Oakland, California and works in Berkeley, where she spends too much time drinking chai and staring at a computer screen. She graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a BA in psychology and a love-hate relationship with gender and adolescence. She thinks letter-writing is dangerously romantic. She would like to read the news and breathe more, and win the lottery.
Anel I. Flores
Fiction: De Calabasa
Anel I. Flores, a native Texana, is a visual artist, teacher, and creative writer. She holds a BA in English and art and an MFA in creative writing. She has taught art and creative writing to people of all ages in several of San Antonio's public and private schools, cultural centers and out of her own studio, and has also collaborated with the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center in their Oral History Project and their Puentes de Palabras group. She is looking for opportunities to publish her literary collection AriaAsada, manifesting a performance piece that accompanies her work Empanada, and designing a visual art exhibition.
Philip Huang
Featured Fiction: Lady
Philip Huang lives in Berkeley, California. His poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous anthologies, including Queer PAPI Porn, Charlie Chan is Dead II, Best Gay Asian Erotica, Take Out: Queer Writing From Asian Pacific America, and Fresh Men: New Voices in Gay Fiction. In 2005, he completed American Widow, a collection of short stories. He may be contacted at philiphuang@aol.com.
Charles Jensen
Poetry: Dietrichesque, Remainder, Quail
Charles Jensen is the author of the chapbook "Little Burning Edens." His poems have appeared in Bloom, The Journal, New England Review, Quarterly West, and West Branch; he was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. With Sarah Vap, he has published interviews with Beth Ann Fennelly, Lynn Emanuel, and C. D. Wright. He works for the Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University and at Rio Salado College, where he teaches film studies.
Carrie-Sinclair Katz
Poetry: Still Life, Sealed Letter
Carrie-Sinclair Katz's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Fourteen Hills, Comfusion Magazine, horse less review, Transfer, The Big Ugly Review, Goetry, Wild Strawberries, and others. Eight of her plays have been produced in London at the Chelsea and Latchmere Theatres (Theatre503). Her play Triptych was chosen as a finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights' Festival, and she also teaches creative writing in the vast and overcrowded prison system of California.
Heathen Machinery
Poetry: Printing on Water
Heathen Machinery spends vast amounts of time fidgeting with her hair. When not fidgeting, she can be found either debasing herself for nickels or giggling at something that nobody else can see. She recommends the mani/pedi as a life-changing spiritual experience. Heathen Machinery has never accomplished anything of much importance and stores her body in San Francisco.
Toni Mirosevich
Featured Poetry: Beat-Nik, Lucky Stiff
Toni Mirosevich's collection "My Oblique Strategies" was winner of the 2005 Frank O'Hara Chapbook Award. She is also the author of Queer Street and The Rooms We Make Our Own. Her work has appeared in The Progressive, Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly, Kenyon Review, Best American Travel Writing, and elsewhere. Literary awards include the Astraea Emerging Lesbian Writer in Fiction Award and fellowships with The MacDowell Colony, Djerassi Artists Program, and the Willard R. Espy Literary Foundation. She is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at San Francisco State University, where she has served as Associate Director of the Poetry Center.
Scott Pomfret
Fiction: Magi
Scott D. Pomfret specializes in gay love stories. He is the co-author of Hot Sauce, one of the Romentics Harlequin-style romance novels for gay men. Pomfret's short stories have been published in Post Road, Genre, Fresh Men: New Gay Voices, Best Gay Love Stories 2005, Best Gay Love Stories 2006, Homewreckers: An Adultery Anthology, Best Gay Erotica 2005, and many other magazines and anthologies.
Adam Seth Rosen
Poetry: Slippers, Origins of Wicked Love
Adam Rosen is a twenty-something composer, performer, and writer based in St. Louis, Missouri. His essay "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Faygelah" was featured in the Lambda Literary Award-nominated anthology Mentsh: On Being Jewish and Queer. His poem "Rhapsody In The Key Of Whitman" was a runner-up in the 2005 Gival Press Oscar Wilde Poetry Award. Adam is working on his first poetry collection.
Jan Steckel
Fiction: Alex the Dragon
Jan Steckel is an Oakland, California writer, a bisexual activist, and a former pediatrician. Her fiction has appeared in Lodestar Quarterly, So to Speak, Margin, Yale Medicine, Scholastic Magazine, and elsewhere. Her poetry chapbook "The Underwater Hospital" is expected to be published by Zeitgeist Press in 2006. You can find more of her work at www.jansteckel.com.
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