
Issue 17 • Spring 2006
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Rob Beeston
Fiction: A Flock of Rotations
Rob Beeston lives in ex-industrial Sheffield, England. He has a PhD in social theory and technology. He is just emerging from an intensive period of his first fiction writing, the steely fruits of which are about to be let loose.
Richard Canning
Interview: Plot as Ash
Richard Canning is the author of Gay Fiction Speaks: Conversations with Gay Novelists and Hear Us Out: Conversations with Gay Novelists, which won the 2005 Editors Choice Award of the Lambda Literary Organization. He was born in England and divides his time between London and Sheffield, where he teaches British and American literature at University. He is preparing a third, and final volume of conversations with gay novelists, as well as editing a volume of shorter gay fiction for Carroll & Graf (provisionally: A Full Hand). Over the past five years, he has been writing a critical biography of the 1920s English novelist Ronald Firbank, due 2007. He has written for many newspapers, magazines and journals, including The Guardian, The Independent, The Los Angeles Times, The James White Review, Attitude, and Out.
Darrah de jour
Poetry: Where Art Thou?, No rebellion
Darrah de jour is a writer, actress, and musician who lives in Los Angeles and whose work has been published by Alyson Books, InSightOut Books, We'Moon, Doorknobs & BodyPaint, and in the forthcoming anthology, Desire in Transition. She has proudly performed at The Theater Offensive, The Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center, Boston Playwrights' Theatre, with Boston's premier street theater troupe Dagger, and at various venues in Los Angeles. She played Annette in Michael Ritchie's award-winning satire, The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader Murdering-Mom, starring Holly Hunter and Beau Bridges. Write to her at darrahdejour@hotmail.com.
Rebekah Eppley
Fiction: The Bend in the Arm of the River
Rebekah Eppley received a master's in creative writing from San Francisco State University and a BFA in writing from Emerson College. Her poetry has appeared in magazines such as Santa Clara Review and Watchword Press. She has a chapter in an oral history collection, Nine Lives, Uncovering the Wealth of Life Stories Within our Nursing Homes.
Amie M. Evans
Featured Fiction: Life's Little Hooks
Amie M. Evans is a widely published creative nonfiction and literary erotica writer, experienced workshop provider, and a retired burlesque and high-femme drag performer. Her short stories and essays have appeared in Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2006, Show and Tell, Call of the Dark, Best of The Best of Lesbian Erotica, Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2005, and the 2006 Lambda Literary Award-Nominated Rode Hard and Put Away Wet. She also writes gay male erotica under a pen name and is on the board of directors for Saints and Sinners GLBT literary festival. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a BA in literature and is working on her MLA at Harvard. She is co-editing an anthology on drag kings for Suspect Thoughts Press with Rakelle Valencia and is also the author of Two Girls Kissing, a column on writing lesbian erotica found at Erotica Readers and Writers Association.
Reginald Harris
Poetry: Cuerpo de Hombre, Index: The Sexual Life of Reginald M., Dream of My Cousin's Wedding
Reginald Harris' 10 Tongues: Poems was a finalist for the 2003 Lambda Literary Award and the ForeWord Book of the Year. Head of Tech Support for the Systems Department of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, he has received Individual Artist Awards for both poetry and fiction from the Maryland State Arts Council. His work has appeared in numerous venues, including Black Issues Book Review, Gargoyle, Poetry Midwest, Sou'wester, Black Silk, Bum Rush the Page, and Gathering Ground: A Reader Celebrating Cave Canem's First Decade. Born in Annapolis, Maryland, he lives with his partner in the Waverly neighborhood of Baltimore.
Trebor Healey
Poetry: Evildoers, Just Do It, Shooting Star, The MOON
Trebor Healey is the author of the 2004 Ferro-Grumley and Violet Quill award-winning novel Through It Came Bright Colors. His poetry collection Sweet Son of Pan is due out from Suspect Thoughts Press in June 2006, and a short story collection, A Perfect Scar and Other Stories, is will be released by Harrington Park Press in 2007. Trebor lives in Los Angeles where he is at work on his second novel. www.treborhealey.com.
Terry Jaensch
Poetry: Karaoke (Yangtze), Defenses on Breaking Up with Diaghilev, The Day and its Divisions
Terry Jaensch is a an Australian poet based in Melbourne. His first book of poetry, Buoy, was highly commended in the Anne Elder Award by the Fellowship of Australian Writers. He has worked as a writer-in-community, artist-in-residence and artistic director of the 2005 Melbourne Emerging Writers' Festival. In May 2004 he was the recipient of an Asialink residency in Singapore where he collaborated, with Singaporean poet Cyril Wong, on a volume of poetry that referenced the lives of Castrati opera singers.
Paul Ocampo
Poetry: writer's block
Paul Ocampo lives in San Francisco. He graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English literature, taught English in Korea for a season, and assisted Maxine Hong Kingston in editing her forthcoming anthology Veterans, where his short story "Butterfly" will be included. He is the editorial assistant for the science and medical journals PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine and is deciding which MFA program to attend.
Ihara Saikaku
Featured Lodestar Writer: Fiction: The Tragic Love of Two Enemies, Cats
Ihara Saikaku (1642-1693) was one of 17th-century Japan's most illustrious writers. He excelled in describing the life of the samurai. Among his books translated into English are Five Women Who Loved Love, an erotic novel first published in 1686, and This Scheming World, a humorous look at the common people of Japan's Edo period.
Maureen Seaton
Featured Poetry: Pink Eye, Passing into Baltimore, Bi-Aquatic, Leo, Gargoyle
Maureen Seaton's latest collection is Venus Examines Her Breast (Carnegie Mellon University Press), winner of the Publishing Triangle's Audre Lorde Award. She is also the author of Little Ice Age; Furious Cooking, winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize and a Lambda Literary Award; Fear of Subways, winner of the Eighth Mountain Poetry Prize; and The Sea Among the Cupboards, winner of the Capricorn Award and the Society of Midland Authors Award. Her work has appeared in Best American Poetry, The Atlantic Monthly, Paris Review, New Republic, Bloom, and many other journals both on- and off-line. The recipient of an NEA fellowship and two Pushcart prizes, she is Director of Creative Writing at the University of Miami.
D. Antwan Stewart
Poetry: Four-Part Epithalamion
D. Antwan Stewart is author of a chapbook, "The Terribly Beautiful." Other poems appear or are forthcoming in Bloom, can we have our ball back?, Poet Lore, Seattle Review, Pebble Lake Review, New Millennium Writings, and others. He is a James A. Michener Fellow in poetry at the Michener Center for Writers and serves as poetry editor for Bat City Review.
Harry Thomas
Fiction: North Florida Style
Harry Thomas was raised in Tallahassee, Florida, a place culturally closer to South Georgia than South Beach. He holds an MFA from University of Alabama and his fiction has appeared in Lodestar Quarterly (Issue 12, Winter 2004), Best Gay Erotica 2004, and Six Little Things. Grievously addicted to school, he is currently at work on a PhD at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
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