
Issue 19 • Fall 2006
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Christopher Barnes
Poetry: Setback For The Unwitting Agents
Christopher Barnes's collection Lovebites was published in 1998 by Chanticleer Press. He is working on a collaborative art and literature project with Lisa Matthews titled How Gay Are Your Genes. He has been involved in Fivearts Cities' poetry postcard event, which exhibited at Seven Stories children's literature building, as well as a solo art/poetry exhibition at The People's Theatre.
Hansa Bergwall
Poetry: Camp Song, My First Kiss
Hansa Bergwall received his master's in arts journalism from Syracuse University in June 2006. He grew up in Concord, Massachusetts. This is his first poetry publication.
Jan Clausen
Fiction: The Possiblist
Jan Clausen's nine published books include two novels and a memoir, Apples and Oranges: My Journey Through Sexual Identity. In autumn 2006, Ikon Books is expected to publish From a Glass House, a new poetry collection. Her novel The Company of Cannibals, from which "The Possiblist" was excerpted, is in search of a publisher. Another selection from the novel appeared in the online journal Tarpaulin Sky. Clausen teaches writing at The New School and in the Goddard College MFA Writing Program. Her literary blog and archived creative work are available at Ablation Site.
Ron Drummond
Featured Poetry: Prologue, Ghazal
Ron Drummond's Why I Kick at Night was the winner of the 2004 Portlandia Press Competition. His poetry is represented in the Penguin textbook Literature as Meaning; the anthologies Poetry Nation, This New Breed, Poetry After 9/11, and Saints of Hysteria; and in journals such as Northwest Review, Borderlands, Columbia Review, The James White Review, Global City Review, and Poetry New York. His translations, in collaboration with Guillermo Castro, of poems by Olga Orosco have appeared in U.S. Latino Review, Terra Incognita, and Guernica. He has received writing fellowships from Ragdale Foundation, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA), and Blue Mountain Center, and he was one of the founding editors of Barrow Street.
Michael Griffo
Featured Drama: syzygy
Michael Griffo's plays include No More Sundays, winner of the New Jersey Perry Award, and Two/Pieces. His ten-minute plays include "Cloudy" and "5G/10B," both to be published in winter 2007 in The Best Ten-Minute Plays 2005 (Smith & Kraus). Mr. Griffo graduated from New York University and studied at Playwrights Horizons and Gotham Writers Workshop. He is represented by ICM (bthomas@icmtalent.com) for theatre and The Evan Marshall Agency (evanmarshall@thenovelist.com) for literature. Contact Michael at michaelgriffo@hotmail.com.
Martin Hyatt
Fiction: excerpt from A Scarecrow's Bible
Martin Hyatt was born just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana. He attended Goddard College and Eugene Lang College of The New School. He holds an MFA in creative writing. He is the recipient of an Edward F. Albee writing fellowship and The New School Chapbook Award for fiction. His stories have been published in Sandbox and Blithe House Quarterly. His first novel, A Scarecrow's Bible, was published in May
2006 by Suspect Thoughts Press. He has taught writing at such places at Hofstra, Parsons, and St. Francis College. He lives in New York City and is working on a new novel.
Freda Karpf
Poetry: Even Now
Freda Karpf is working on her second book. Her first, Conversations with Nic, is a multi-genre journey through the land of cigarette withdrawal. Her new book is about riding waves, women, and Newark. She's making her way through a master of social work program, working on environmental issues, and body surfing on the Jersey shore as often as she can. Contact Freda at s0453385@monmouth.edu.
Violette Leduc
Featured Lodestar Writer: Fiction: excerpt from Thérèse and Isabelle
Violette Leduc was born in Arras, France on April 7, 1907. Along with Mad In Pursuit and La Bâtarde, she was the author of ten other books. She has been referred to as France's greatest unknown writer and was a contemporary of de Beauvoir, Sartre, Camus, Genet, and Cocteau.
Kevin McLellan
Poetry: From Reticent's Gazebo, Breathing Room
Kevin McLellan, MFA graduate in writing from Vermont College, has recent or forthcoming poems in journals including: Exquisite Corpse, Poetry Midwest, Wilderness House Literary Review, Paper Street Press, and Stylus Poetry Journal. Kevin instructs poetry workshops at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education.
Kamilah Aisha Moon
Poetry: Forgotten Ballet, No Room For Gray, To a Dear Friend Mothering Misery
Kamilah Aisha Moon is a Cave Canem fellow, a Paumanok Award semi-finalist, and an Emily Dickinson Award Honorable Mention. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Mosaic, Bittersweet, Open City, Phoenix, bum rush the page, Warpland, Obsidian III, Toward the Livable City, Essence, Bloom, and Gathering Ground. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, she is currently working on She Has A Name, a collection of poetry themed around her sister's journey living with autism. A 2006 Prague Summer Writing Institute Fellow and a featured poet in various conferences and venues around the United States, Moon received her MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College.
Jane Rule
Prose: Violette Leduc, an excerpt from Lesbian Images
Jane Rule has served on the executive of the Writers' Union of Canada, and has been an outspoken advocate of both free speech and gay rights, including in the various controversies surrounding the gay magazine, The Body Politic. Her first book, Desert of the Heart, was filmed by Donna Deitch and released as Desert Hearts in 1985. She was inducted into the Order of British Columbia in 1998. Her novels Memory Board and After the Fire were both nominated for the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize.
Rob Shelsky
Fiction: Flowers in February
Rob Shelsky attended Southwestern College, University of Victoria, and San Diego State University. Rob has been widely published with such magazines as Alien Skin, Continuum Science Fiction, Fifth Dimension, Aberrant Dreams, Gateway S-F, Arabella Romances, Fables, and many others. As of July 2006, he is a bimonthly columnist for Alien Skin. Rob's time travel romance novel, Lost Echoes, is expected in December 2006 from Awestruck Books. Rob's favorite pastime is sipping wine while thinking up stories and watching North Carolina sunsets.
Justin Vicari
Poetry: Freshman Lit
Justin Vicari's work appears or is forthcoming in Interim, Rhino, Eclipse, Slant, Spillway, Gin Bender Poetry Review, Poetry Motel, Third Coast, Disquieting Muses Quarterly, Softblow, and other reviews. He is the author of chapbooks "In a Garden of Eden" (Plan B Press) and "Woman Bathing Light to Dark" (forthcoming from Toad Press, 2006). In 2005, one of his poems was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Jess Wells
Fiction: The See-Saw Family
Jess Wells (www.jesswells.com) is the author of thirteen volumes of work, including the historical novel The Mandrake Broom, available from Firebrand Books in September 2006; AfterShocks, which was reissued as a Triangle Classic by InsightOut Books; and the novel The Price of Passion. She is the editor of HomeFronts: Controversies in Nontraditional Parenting and Lesbians Raising Sons. A three-time finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, she has published five collections of short fiction.
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