
Issue 3 • Fall 2002
More Contributors
Meliza BaƱales
Featured Poetry: Do the Math, Ana, In Parts, Flood
Meliza Bañales is a spoken-word artist and the author of and I've been fighting ever since (Chula Press, 2002) and Girl with the Glass Throat (Chula Press, 2001). She has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines including Transfer, Las Girlfriends, and Revolutionary Voices, the latter of which was nominated for a Lambda Book Award in 2001. She's been called "the girl with the sense of humor of a jackknife." The first Latina ever to win a Bay Area Grand Slam Championship, she's been on three national poetry slam teams and has also competed as an individual at the nationals. She is the winner of the Burning Bush Press People Before Profits Poetry Prize 2002.
Alexander Chee
Featured Fiction: 13 Crimes Against Love, or, the Crow's Confession
Alexander Chee's first novel, Edinburgh, is forthcoming in paperback in October 2002 from Picador USA, and is the winner of a Lambda Literary Award, the Michener Prize in fiction, and the Asian American Writers' Workshop Literary Award. His short fiction and essays have been anthologized in Loss Within Loss, Boys Like Us, His 3, Take Out, Best Gay Erotica 2002, Men On Men 2000, and The Man I Might Become. He is a Visiting Writer at Wesleyan University and lives in New York City.
Matthew Clark Davison
Fiction: Leaving
Matthew Clark Davison lives in a small town in the North of Italy where he writes and teaches English. His short fiction has appeared in or on The Atlantic Monthly's Unbound Fiction, Argestes, MiamiGo, 580 Split, and The Pacific Review. His now-completed novel, entitled Roadmap, won the 2000 Clark/Gross Novel-in-Progress Contest and was granted a Stonewall Alumni Association Award. He is currently at work on his second book-length work, from which Leaving is excerpted. Matthew can be contacted at mcdavison@tin.it.
Nicola Harwood
Featured Drama: Horse Latitudes
Nicola Harwood is a writer and educator whose work has been produced and published in Canada and the United States. Horse Latitudes was first produced in workshop through the Alchemy Program at Jon Sims Center for the Arts in San Francisco and was directed by Tracy Ward.
Cris Hernandez
Poetry: La 'Ruca Swings
Cris Hernandez is a queer, working-class, chicana, feminist -- raised, living, and writing in the Los Angeles area. She has taught in the History and Women's Studies departments at California State University, Long Beach. Earlier works have appeared in The Blue Mouse and Las Girlfriends, and she has hosted poetry venues at Huntley Bookstore in Claremont, California and Sacred Grounds in San Pedro, California. She's also been involved with Watershed, and Una Mujer Como Yo -- organizations that support artists and educational art programs in the Los Angeles area.
Tennessee Jones
Fiction: The Men in my Family
Tennessee Jones is an Appalachian-born transman currently living in New York City. He is the editor of the punk lit zine Teenage Death Songs. His first collection of short stories, Deliver Me from Nowhere, is expected in March 2005 from Soft Skull Press.
Michael Lassell
Featured Lodestar Writer: Poetry: Boys in Foreign Climes, The Passing of an August Saturday, Death and 42nd Street, The Day George Harrison Died
Michael Lassell's first book, Poems for Lost and Un-lost Boys, was the winner of Amelia's first annual book award; his second, Decade Dance, won a 1990 Lambda Literary Award. He is the author of A Flame for the Touch That Matters, Certain Ecstasies: Bedtime Stories, Elton John and Tim Rice's AIDA: Bringing the Broadway Show to Life, and Disney on Broadway, as well as co-editor, with poet Elena Georgiou, of The World in Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave, a finalist in the Library Association of America's annual lesbian and gay book awards as well as a Lammy finalist. He is currently articles director for Metropolitan Home.
Randall Mann
Poetry: Fetish, Song
Randall Mann was awarded the 2003 Kenyon Review Prize in Poetry. His first collection of poems, Complaint in the Garden, is forthcoming from Zoo Press in the spring of 2004. He has individual poems forthcoming in The Kenyon Review, The Paris Review, Poetry, and Salmagundi. He lives in San Francisco.
Michael Mastrofrancesco
Poetry: Everlasting
P. Michael Mastrofrancesco is a poet and short story writer. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pacific Review, North American Review, Poet Lore, Mid-America Poetry Review, Illya's Honey, Snow Monkey, Rubber City, Rosebud, and Bay Windows, as well as other literary journals. He was a finalist for the H. E. Francis Literary Competition, and the Say the Word National Cosmological Poetry Competition. He earned a MFA from American University and is an adjunct professor in Washington, DC.
Heather Mitchell
Fiction: Choices
Heather Mitchell received her BA from Mills College in 1997, but abandoned graduate school after realizing her true calling was as a mixer of near-perfect martinis. She currently lives in her hometown, Vancouver, BC, with her honey, Lynda, and can most often be found riding her motorcycle in the general vicinity of her favorite tattoo parlor. A certified wine geek, she's studying to become a sommelier and working on a novel (or two). Her work has been previously published in Hot and Bothered 2: Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire.
Travis Montez
Poetry: Over Me, Time Piece, Mixed Emotions
Poet/activist Travis Montez is a third-year student at New York University School of Law where he is preparing for a career in juvenile justice and community organization. He has performed his work in venues all over the world, including the American embassies of Spain and Senegal. He's been featured in productions at Nuyorican Poet's Café, Brooklyn Café, New York University, and The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church. Recently, Travis Montez lent his talent to the Words to Comfort benefit for the World Trade Center Relief Fund and is a regular feature in Emanuel Xavier's annual Glam Slam.
Sara S. Moore
Poetry: Rollerball Revolutionary, how I survived the great mammal die-off of 2001
Sara Moore is a 29-year-old poet and queer activist/organizer who has lived and performed on open mic stages since she was 17 and in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1995. She leads the curator team of the queer spoken word series San Francisco in Exile. Her work has been published in Silverfish Review, Kye Zine, Crossing Centuries, and Crescent Moon Anthology of Pagan Verse. Her new self-published effort is Aunt Sara's Little Corner of Grief.
Shauna Rogan
Poetry: Dream of a Paperless Office
Shauna Rogan is a bisexual, polyamorous, twenty-something who enjoys saying that five times fast. Among other places, her work has appeared in Comet Magazine, Spike Magazine (under the cheezy pseudonym "Lisa Stopless"), Mississippi Review, and Seven Stories. She's performed at readings throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and will probably be coming to a time zone near you on her fall/winter tour.
Aaron Shurin
Fiction: Three Scenes From the Sauna at the YMCA
Aaron Shurin's books include the poetry collections A Door, The Paradise of Forms: Selected Poems, and Into Distances, and the prose work, Unbound: A Book of AIDS. He co-directs and teaches in the MFA Writing Program at the University of San Francisco.
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