
Issue 4 • Winter 2002
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Dallas Angguish
Poetry: Embrace, I Never Called You That
Dallas Angguish is a poet and writer based in Australia. He has been published in Australia, Asia, and the United States. He is currently writing a novel, For The Love Of Winter, expected to be completed by the end of 2005. His favourite animal is the wombat.
Julianne Bonnet
Poetry: Marriage Mirage, The Grateful Hangover
Julianne Bonnet has an MFA in creative writing from Mills College where she co-founded the graduate literary magazine 580 Split. She is the co-founder and poetry editor of Rainbow Curve and the creative writing editor of the East Bay Voice. Her work has most recently appeared in Red Rock Review, Clackamas Literary Review, and Kalliope.
Eric Brandt
Fiction: Devour Me, Once More
Not knowing a soul, Eric Brandt fled the Midwest United States for New York City in 1980. His first job was as a live-in volunteer at a shelter for the homeless on New York's Lower East Side. Eventually, he received a PhD from Columbia University. In 2000, he published the anthology Dangerous Liaisons: Blacks, Gays, and the Struggle for Equality, which won the Randy Shilts Award for gay non-fiction. He currently lives in San Francisco and is working on a novel titled The Butterfly Effect.
Shelley Ettinger
Fiction: Not Alone
Shelley Ettinger lives in New York City. Her work has appeared in Blithe House Quarterly, Tattoo Highway, Snow Monkey, Mudlark, Samsära Quarterly, and other journals. "Not Alone" is excerpted from her novel-in-progress, Vera's Will, for which she received a research grant from the Money for Women / Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. She was a summer 2001 writer-in-residence at Norcroft Writing Retreat for Women. She co-founded the Lesbian and Gay Labor Network and co-authored We Won't Be Slaves: Workfare Workers Organize.
Jewelle Gomez
Featured Lodestar Writer: Poetry: for the Streetcar, Femme to Femme, Femme to Butch, Our Own Viet Nam: 7 random snapshots
Jewelle Gomez is a writer and activist and the author of the double Lambda Award-winning novel, The Gilda Stories. Her publications include three collections of poetry: The Lipstick Papers and Flamingoes and Bears, both self-published, and most recently, Oral Tradition. She edited with Eric Garber a fantasy fiction anthology entitled Swords of the Rainbow and selected the fiction for Best Lesbian Erotica 1997. She is also the author a book of personal and political essays, entitled Forty-Three Septembers, and a collection of short fiction, Don't Explain. She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts literature fellowship and two California Arts Council fellowships. Her adaptation of the book for the stage -- Bones & Ash: a Gilda Story -- was performed by the Urban Bush Women company in thirteen U.S. cities.
Andrew Horwitz
Fiction: Perimeter
Andy Horwitz is a writer/performer based in Brooklyn. His essays and criticism have been published in Seattle's alternative weekly The Stranger. His poetry has been published in various 'zines and journals and his adult-oriented stories have been published in Torso and in the anthologies Slow Grind and Best Bisexual Erotica 2000. He has performed at poetry venues throughout the country, and his spoken word piece "4th of July" was released on the Epic CD Home Alive: The Art of Self-Defense. He is currently performing a new solo show "Potty Mouth" in New York. He can be found online at Andy's Chest.
Krandall Kraus
Poetry: Christmas
Krandall Kraus is the author of five books. His collection of poetry, The Christmas Poems, was published in 2002. His non-fiction book, It's Never About What It's About: What We Learned About Living While Waiting To Die, co-authored with Paul A. Borja, won a Lambda Literary Award in 2000. He also has published three novels: The President's Son; Bardo; and a mystery, Love's Last Chance. He has been a college professor, served as consultant to The White House during the Ford and Rockefeller administrations, was Acting Head of Publications and Media for The Library of Congress, and raised millions of dollars as grant writer for the San Francisco AIDS Office.
Mary Meriam
Poetry: Transplanted
Mary Meriam was born in New Jersey in 1955. She is a lesbian poet/activist, with a BA in Poetry from Bennington College and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University. Her poems have been published in Bay Windows, The Write Dyke, So to Speak, and Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly.
T. Cole Rachel
Featured Poetry: this is as close as we get, the sweetness, found
A native Oklahoman and former resident of Kansas, T. Cole Rachel now makes his home in New York City. His work has appeared in The Ontario Review, Visionaire, Westview and Illuminations. His first collection of poems, Surviving the Moment of Impact, was published in 2002 by Soft Skull Press.
Priscilla Rhoades
Poetry: Things I Haven't Said
Priscilla Rhoades is a writer of poetry, short stories, and feature articles whose work has appeared in The Iowa Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, In Posse Review, San Francisco Bay Guardian, and other publications. A transplanted Californian, she now lives on two acres in the mountains of western North Carolina with her partner Loretta, their three dogs, and one annoyed cat.
Brian Thorstenson
Featured Drama: Half-Light Dances
Brian Thorstenson lives in San Francisco. His first play, Heading South, received a Bay Area Critics Circle Nomination and was part of the 1996 Berkeley Art Centers' performance series. His play Summerland was selected for the 2000 Bay Area Playwrights Festival and the 2000 Z Festival of New Performance, and opened in New York City at Wings Theatre Company. The play is included in the anthology Plays and Playwrights 2002. His poetry has been published in Transfer and Six Thousand Five Hundred. Brian has received writing fellowships from the Djerassi Resident Arts Program and Blue Mountain Center. He currently is a lecturer in playwriting at San Francisco State University and Santa Clara University.
Robert Weaver
Fiction: From a Summer Morning in 1864
Robert X Weaver, 42, lives in Fort Lauderdale. He has slept on a yacht, explored hidden caves, seen ancient skeletons, painted portraits on glass, acted in two plays in New York, spoken with ghosts, chauffeured Tennessee Williams, and performed double axels and triple salchows on ice. He is currently writing a novel.
Jess Wells
Featured Fiction: Excerpt from The Mandrake Broom
Jess Wells (www.jesswells.com) is the author of thirteen volumes of work, including the historical novel The Mandrake Broom, available from Firebrand Books in September 2006; AfterShocks, which was reissued as a Triangle Classic by InsightOut Books; and the novel The Price of Passion. She is the editor of HomeFronts: Controversies in Nontraditional Parenting and Lesbians Raising Sons. A three-time finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, she has published five collections of short fiction.
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