
Issue 9 • Spring 2004
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Joneil Adriano
Fiction: The Secret Lives of Mice
Joneil Adriano is a New York-based writer and journalist. Born in the Philippines and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, he holds a Bachelor's degree in Women's and Gender Studies from Columbia University. His fiction previously appeared in Take Out: Queer Writing from Asian Pacific America, published by the Asian American Writers Workshop.
David Caudle
Featured Drama: Feet of Clay
David Caudle is an award-winning playwright and artist from Miami, Florida. His play, Hell's Cuisinart premiered at the Samuel Beckett Theatre in New York in 1997 to strong reviews, and was subsequently produced in Miami and Los Angeles. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries along the east coast, as well as in Madonna's video, "Nothing Really Matters." Pieces from his current series of grisaille paintings depicting the gay pride parade were exhibited at the Ambrosino Gallery in Miami, and at the GLBT Community Center in New York City.
Minal Hajratwala
Poetry: Angerfish, Miss Indo-America dreams
Minal Hajratwala's non-fiction book about the Indian diaspora as lived by her extended family is expected to be published by Houghton-Mifflin in 2005. Her poems and performance works have been published in various literary journals and anthologies. She was a writing fellow at the Sundance Institute in 1999, an artist-in-residence at the Jon Sims Center for the Performing Arts in 2000, and a fellow in the National Arts Journalism Program at Columbia University in 2000-2001. Her solo performance work, "Avatars: Gods for a New Millennium," premiered at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco in 1999. She lives in San Francisco and is a graduate of Stanford University.
Philip Huang
Featured Fiction: The Chair
Philip Huang lives in Berkeley, California. His poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous anthologies, including Queer PAPI Porn, Charlie Chan is Dead II, Best Gay Asian Erotica, Take Out: Queer Writing From Asian Pacific America, and Fresh Men: New Voices in Gay Fiction. In 2005, he completed American Widow, a collection of short stories. He may be contacted at philiphuang@aol.com.
Maya Khosla
Featured Poetry: Under Wolf Paw, Ravens' Undoing, Return to Grand Canyon
Maya Khosla was raised in India, England, Algeria, Burma, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Those cultures as well as her background in biology strongly shaped her writing. Keel Bone, winner of the 2003 Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize, is her first full-length poetry manuscript. She is also the author of Web of Water, a creative non-fiction manuscript, and Heart of the Tearing, a chapbook collection of poetry. Individual poems have been featured in journals like America's Review, Permafrost, Poetry Flash, and Seneca Review. She has performed at venues such as Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival and at Headlands Center for the Arts, where she was writer-in-residence in 1998.
Michel Paulin Laurent
Featured Art: Bleeding on Canvas
Michel Paulin Laurent was born in France, where he lived until 1986. He studied French literature and foreign languages, and traveled throughout France and around Europe before moving to New York in 1986 to study fashion design at The Fashion Institute of Technology. For more information about his work, e-mail him at mpl1160@hotmail.com.
R. Zamora Linmark
Poetry: Aftersex, In-Transit
R. Zamora Linmark was born in Manila, educated in Honolulu, and presently resides in San Francisco. His work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies such as The Best Gay American Fiction of 1997, Premonitions, and Charlie Chan is Dead.
Shani Mootoo
Non-Fiction: This is the Story You Must Write, Excerpts from A House By the Sea
Shani Mootoo's first book, Out on Main Street, is a collection of short stories. Her first novel, Cereus Blooms at Night, was nominated for The Giller Prize, the Chapter's First Novel Award, and the BC Book Prize; and she was awarded the New England Book Sellers award in 1998. Her book of poetry, Predicament of Or, was published by Polestar/Raincoast in 2001. She has just completed her second novel, A House By The Sea, which is soon to be published by Grove Atlantic. Born in Ireland and raised in Trinidad, Mootoo resides in Edmonton where she teaches Creative Writing in the English Department of the University of Alberta. Her visual art work and videos have been exhibited internationally.
Shailja Patel
Poetry: Shilling Love
Kenyan Indian poet Shailja Patel was 2001 Lambda Slam Champion and 2000 Santa Cruz Slam champion. She performs to standing ovations across the US and UK. Her work appears in numerous journals and anthologies, including Bullets and Butterflies: A Queer Slam Anthology, Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives, Sow's Ear Poetry Review, Emily Dickinson Award Anthology, and the CD, Best of the Berkeley Slam Poets. Featured in June Jordan's Poetry For The People program at UC Berkeley, her poems are also broadcast frequently on Pacifica Radio and the National Radio Project, and used in colleges, high schools and workshops across the country. Awards include an Outwrite 1999 Poetry Prize and a Voices Of Our Nations Poetry Scholarship. She is a recipient of a Serpent Source Foundation For Women Artists Grant.
Juliana Pegues
Poetry: A Kiss, Nocturnal
Born in Taiwan and raised in Alaska, Juliana Pegues is a Minneapolis-based writer, performer, and activist. She is a member of both the women of color theater group Mama Mosaic; and Mango Tribe, a national Asian Pacific Islander American women's performance collective. She loves all manner of revolutionary acts and queer kisses, and detests imperialist wars and occupation.
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Poetry: noise, sweet water, 3/19/03
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha is a US-raised, Toronto-based, queer, South Asian / Sri Lankan writer and spoken word poet. She has performed her work throughout the United States and Canada at many conferences, protests, and bars, especially within the South Asian and queer of color art scenes, including the 2003 Asian Pacific Islander Spoken Word Summit and the Color of Violence 2 Conference in Chicago. Her writing has been published in numerous anthologies, including A Girl's Guide To Taking Over the World, Colonize This!, Brazen Femme, and Dangerous Families, as well as in the periodicals Bitch, big boots, Fireweed, Trade, Anything That Moves, and Bamboo Girl. She teaches writing to queer, trans, and Two Spirit youth at Supporting Our Youth Toronto and publishes the queer people-of-color anti-war 'zine Letters from the War Years. Her first book, consensual genocide, is forthcoming in 2004. She is currently spreading cranky brown queergirl poetry love on the Brokeass Browngirl Tour of the northeastern United States.
Matthew Graham Smith
Fiction: Taking the Road
Matthew Graham Smith is a writer, director, and performer working in New York City and Northern California. His writing has appeared in Lambda Book Report, and he has written several plays. His first play, Strip, received an award from Primary Stages in NYC and was produced in NYC, Philadelphia, and California. His next play, Shadow of Giants, premieres in summer 2004 in Blue Lake, California as a Dell'Arte Company production. Contact him at blaksocks@aol.com.
Truong Tran
Featured Lodestar Writer: Poetry: because, eight margins
Truong Tran received his undergraduate education at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his MFA at San Francisco State University. He is the recipient of poetry fellowships from the Arts Council of Santa Clara, the California Arts Council, the Creative Work Fund and the San Francisco Arts Commission. His poems have been published in numerous literary journals including ZYZZYVA, The American Voice, Crazyhorse, Prairie Schooner, Poetry East, Another Chicago Magazine, and The North Dakota Quarterly. He is the author of three collections of poetry including placing the accents, The Book of Perceptions, and dust and conscience, which recently received the Poetry Center Book Award. Truong is currently living in San Francisco and working as Executive Director for Kearny Street Workshop, the oldest Asian Pacific American Arts organization in United States. His poems "because" and "eight margins" are from his book within the margin, due from Apogee Press in 2004.
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