Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly an online journal of the finest gay, lesbian, and queer literature a pencil drawing of a star by Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ryan


Issue 11 • Fall 2004
David Bergman

David Bergman

David Bergman is a writer of many posts -- as a social historian he eloquently documented the lives and works of gay literature's greatest lodestars, among them the Violet Quill members, and here for the first time, Essex Hemphill; as a poet he has been widely published and was awarded the George Elliston Prize; and as an editor he collected Edmund White's essays in The Burning Library and the amazing and diverse stories in the Men on Men fiction series.

Prose by David Bergman:
The Condition of Essex Hemphill

Poetry by David Bergman:
Sunday Morning, Sons of Onan, Eos, The Testimony of Orpheus, Sabbatical, Song of Solomon


Tennessee Jones

Tennessee Jones

I saw her standin' on her front lawn just twirlin' her baton.

Brian Pera
Your Whole Life Ahead of You

What we hear through our doors may tell us the purest, unadorned, unabashed truths.

Meliza Bañales
Because Jimmy Wore It

True or false? Jim Morrison's favorite haunt was The Whiskey-A-Go-Go in the sunny City of Angels.

Nicholas Hayes

The right answer is always in the details, but we'd rather give the benefit of the doubt to what's easier to figure out.

Jennifer Natalya Fink

What if you tried to think just one thought, but every thought came back to the same thought, imaginary, yet so delicious in its naught.

Michael Kiggins

Everyone has an opinion -- and between a daughter and mother theirs can be at opposite ends.


Kato McNickle

Kato McNickle
Girls in Boys' Pants

The whole problem with the business of art is that art is subjective and not just the beautiful thing in the artist's head. If we could see her thought as it spilled onto canvas, perhaps everything would be art.


Unfortunately, Lodestar Quarterly is no longer accepting submissions. Thank you for your interest and good luck in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.


Frances Varian

Frances Varian
la divina and Devotion

Sharp and graceful as a sword, she cuts her path through the veils and lies.

Qwo-Li Driskill
For Marsha P. (Pay It No Mind!) Johnson,
Love Poems for Billy Jack,
Thursday, 7:01 PM

There's hope. Our trials and tribulations have been voiced, we have liberation on word's wings, we can fly away from the cat's claws.

Steven Cordova
Drinking Buddies and Choking Victim

From the other world, still with mysteries, across the avenue, in the other building, on the other side of town.

Stephanie Gray
SO YOU THINK THIS HOUSE IS BURNING? and rolling (her) my bugler

A strong slap in the face that shows you beautiful stars and maybe even a glimpse of the future.

Cyril Wong
Boats and Ann Siang Hill

Speaking more than words with the metaphors of our actions.

Christopher DeRoche
Aimless Existence in Unreality and Strung out in Valhalla

As if the words welled up from the deepest, barest roots of the Crescent City itself.