Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly an online journal of the finest gay, lesbian, and queer literature a pencil drawing of a star by Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ryan


Issue 5 • Spring 2003
Edmund White

Edmund White

Edmund White remains one of the most influential novelists and cultural critics of our times. In the mid-1970s, he and six other gay New York writers formed the infamous Violet Quill Club. The French government has named him an officier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and his novels have been praised by writers as diverse as Vladimir Nabokov, Gore Vidal, and Susan Sontag. These include his classic novel, A Boy's Own Story, which in 2002 was republished in its 20th anniversary edition by the Modern Library. We are honored and thankful to feature an exclusive peek at his new novel, Fanny: A Fiction, expected to be published in September 2003 by Ecco HarperCollins.

Fiction by Edmund White:
Mississippi Tales, an excerpt from Fanny: A Fiction


Photo of Noël Alumit

Noël Alumit
The Dreams that Made Delya Arraya Cavanaugh Weep

The author of Letters to Montgomery Clift asks and supplies what might wake us from dreams of war and lost love.

Michael Carroll
Study in Sepia

A memory, its light, and where we quest that road again.

Holly Farris

The triumphs to be made from our messes and wrecks.

Neil Thornton

Stir up the blued complexion of our deepest colors -- and have things really changed?

Bara Swain
Big Man

The blood shared between brothers often runs deeper than their veins.


Photo of Avery Crozier's dog

Avery Crozier
Walking to Buchenwald

An American couple vacations in Europe with mom and dad, but as war looms, their journey from London to Buchenwald takes on genealogical, political, and spiritual dimensions that confound even the most meticulous of plans.


Unfortunately, Lodestar Quarterly is no longer accepting submissions. Thank you for your interest and good luck in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.


Photo of Michelle Tea

Michelle Tea
nature video,
my place in the world,
the big one's not coming,
the biggest mistake i made all year

The poet that Publisher's Weekly declared "modern-day Beat and pop ambassador to the world of the tattooed, pierced, politicized, and sex-radical queer-grrls of San Francisco."

Rigoberto González
Other Victims, Widower's Welcome, Grayer Landscapes

Come learn from a man who will stare down our most dangerous truths.

Melanie Braverman
Love (fragments)

Mark Doty explains, her poems "are a house with all the doors and windows open... alert with a kind of freshness and possibility."

Frances-Kim Russell
Hardtack and Domestic Partners

Perhaps to be read with a cowgirl's twang over rolling hills of the New West.

Lisa Asagi
soundtrack for home movie no. 29 and Desert Island Ghost Story

Maps to places tiny or vast, visible or secret, in our world of constant travels.