Patricia Nell Warren
Patricia Nell Warren has been writing professionally since the age of seventeen. In over forty years, she's published eight novels and numerous articles and poems in journals across the globe. Her most successful novel, The Front Runner, has subsequently become our most popular gay love story. Patricia Nell Warren's work as an activist includes efforts in the 1960s to have American media recognize the individuality of Ukrainians and other ethnic groups in the USSR, and her role in the 1970s as the plaintiffs' spokesperson for Susan Smith vs. Reader's Digest, a landmark lawsuit that resulted in a class-action victory for women. Today, she focuses on free speech and issues confronting our youth, as well as public health concerns through her controversial monthly column in A&U, America's AIDS magazine.
From Beginning to New Beginning: A Cycle of Poetry
Untitled Poem,
Case History,
Excerpt from "Some Kind Of Kasida",
The Matador's Prayer,
Excerpts from "Minimal Poems",