Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly an online journal of the finest gay, lesbian, and queer literature a pencil drawing of a star by Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ryan


Issue 9 • Spring 2004
Truong Tran

Truong Tran

An experimental poet with a sense of humor, 35-year-old Truong Tran writes dense prose that manages to flow freely. "A voluptuary of the difficult real," said Kathleen Fraser. "To be entered, and entered. Gratefully." A finalist for the Kiriyama Pacific Rim Book Prize and Western States Book Award for his two published collections placing the accents and dust and conscience, Truong is the Executive Director of Kearney Street Workshop in San Francisco.

Poetry by Truong Tran:
because and eight margins

A collaborative issue with The Asian American Writers' Workshop

Quang Bao, director of the Asian American Writers' Workshop, coedits our second anniversary issue. The workshop published the Lambda award-winning anthology Take Out: Take Out book Queer Writing from Asian Pacific America, which features fabulous writers such as Justin Chin, Noël Alumit, and Timothy Liu. For more info, visit aaww.org.


Philip Huang

Philip Huang
The Chair

It all begins with such a simple, yet enduring thing as where we sit.

Shani Mootoo
Excerpt from A House By the Sea and
This is the Story You Must Write

Peeled, and pressed opened, the uncertainty of the hybrid individual.

Matthew Graham Smith
Taking the Road

Life and love grown on the bumpy roads between.

Joneil Adriano
The Secret Lives of Mice

Have you ever heard that scratching in the wall and squeaking in the hall?


David Caudle

David Caudle
Feet of Clay

A short, curious comedy about baring your soul.


Unfortunately, Lodestar Quarterly is no longer accepting submissions. Thank you for your interest and good luck in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.


Maya Khosla

Maya Khosla
Under Wolf Paw, Ravens' Undoing, Return to Grand Canyon

"Her words are the very particular stones and weather, the rivers and homes, the creatures and people, trapped and free in their momentary events," says poet Pattiann Rogers.

R. Zamora Linmark
Aftersex and In-Transit

Our own little lola who spins one mesmerizing tale after the other.

Juliana Pegues
A Kiss and Nocturnal

Here is how ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things.

Minal Hajratwala
Angerfish and Miss Indo-America dreams

It's more than old ghosts that may haunt our families' closets.

Shailja Patel
Shilling Love

It's words that shall reclaim the past -- in unstoppable numbers and with the boom of cannons.

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Noise and sweet water, 3/19/03

Setting mikes on fire wherever she goes...


Michel Paulin Laurent

Michel Paulin Laurent
Bleeding on Canvas

Blue like the heavens, like the very tips of the fingers of galaxies -- a special selection of paintings.