Issue 1 • Spring 2002 • Poetry
Fag Hag Gone Bad
Thea Hillman
instead of beautiful, dysfunctional intimacy-challenged dykes I have fallen for two fags who are indeed already in love with each other
I am kissing you already even though you've just been conceived
fag hag gone bad I go to the gym and watch the gay boys watch each other
I want to frequent tea rooms feel cold tiles against my knees experience the well-spent backroom ejaculation smell stale piss I want to feel right at home at My Place I tell Paul I want to be a rest stop whore he laughs at me and says he can't quite picture me driving up in a Jetta does he think I'm joking I jog past Buena Vista park wondering what side of the street is best for getting a view of flash of white T-shirt above the bushes Lands' End I get lost in those thorny twisted trees
in love with impossibility I will call you the beginning more what I make you than what you really are that's when I love you the most when you are more me than you if I really loved beginnings I'd call this really early morning February 19 instead of very late eighteen
I want a little dog on a leash stroll the Castro spend way too much on clothes sport ever-perfect hair my hard body a symbol of the constant possibility of arousal sick of the butch-femme prison I want to meet myself and fuck fuck up be fucked up head to head hard-on to hard-on think I'm joking
come be the impossible with me
Thea Hillman is the author of the critically acclaimed Depending on the Light (Manic D Press). A San Francisco poetry slam champion with an MFA in Creative Writing, Thea has performed her work at festivals, bookstores, and reading series across the country. Her writing has appeared in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Berkeley Review of Fiction, On Our Backs, and Noirotica 1 and 3. She performed a birdcall on The Tonight Show; appeared on the cover of the Oakland, California phone book; but is most proud of her tag-team haiku championship title. Visit for more information.

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