A Mouthful of Queerhorehound stillpointwe thank the universe for being such a fabulous s p a c e we thank the excellent intelligence of the cosmos for coming up with a plan based on chaos (we'd never be able to weather the storms on this planet without infinite unpredictability) we thank the galaxy for spinning in such a way as to coagulate into brunch: namely, cinnamon walnut french toast, with a heavy cream crust we thank the original organic soup for providing us with ears and knees and all the fun stuff in between we thank the contents of this empty shot glass for helping us get through the day then helping us forget the day we got through we thank the plants and herbs that burn and smoke for lifting us up: god, dammit, lift us up
lift us up and let us down to drift on pillows
from the logic/grid of cause and effect for giving us a nightly reminder of what it is to wake up and realize the unreality of what just happened and who it happened with we thank quantum physicists and the swamis of india for reminding us that nothing really exists none of us is really here
there is only One {probable wave} and therefore nothing can hurt us
we thank our minds for allowing us to misunderstand everything so perfectly we thank our hearts for permitting us to feel the love and pain intrinsic to being human we thank evil for its presence reminding us that hatred is a lack of imagination a lack of individuation a disinclination to empathize hatred is a second-hand shtick that comes and goes ... like light 'darkness is the source ... of mystery and manifestations,' lao tzu wrote, in transcribing the tao we translate/update this as 'look for me in the light' we pray for the light at the end of the tunnel but darkness is the playing field darkness is substratum there is no switch for the dark think angels are in the light/god is in the light i think it's time we made friends with the tunnel the darkness, wet with the possibility of unknowing of course, it would be queer, to suggest love of the goddamned tunnel it would be just like a queer to stick his nose into the dark that other people want to deny altogether therefore, we thank the queerness which runs straight through the heart of everything life would be dead in the water without unreasonable lust we thank the loves of our lives for coming back to haunt us and heal us in ways that are -- i'm sorry -- so magically delicious i have to thank my funky karma every day thank you daddy, thank you boy, thank you sister, thank you mother of all sorrows and orgasms alike called death, yes, we thank death we thank our ancestors for passing on the concepts of ritual and sacrifice so we remember how to use smoke and mirrors and spoken words to make sacred moments out of t h i n a i r and thank god who is not separate from us for hiding so well
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