SlutChristine Hamm
my mother asked you about your trip to Germany
I got lost on the way back to your house
I left you at the airport because I forgot you were
you had no underarm hair and your sweat
you tried to shave my legs in the shower
You made me come in the middle of a field
I fucked your best friend when you were busy
we fucked on the top floor of the library I wiped myself
sometimes you begged me to stop
you locked me outside naked on the roof it was a short
I whispered to you about my cunt so your
you told me I was a hysterical female
I couldn't sleep alone in my bed so I slept on your couch
I asked you to tie me up again with your
you said you wished I'd disappear
I liked to do things to you in the dark while
your breath was like rotten eggs but
I promised to fuck you every weekend and him
your eyes lifted open and you turned to me
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