I came so close to living this true story:
Save for stringent discipline, and the fact I'm bent.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
My grandfather made sure my toy wars were gory, Each soldier named,
each casualty meant.
I came so close to living that true story.
I dreamed of West Point's military glory, My future to go where ever I
was sent.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
They showed me 'smiling socks', admonitory.
And so I turned away, and never went.
I came so close to living that true story.
I'm glad I'll live to play 'till I grow hoary, and loudly my old views
I shall repent.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
I dream of sucking soldiers 'till they're spent, And indulge my deep
historian's bent.
I came so close to living that true story, Dulce et decorum est pro
patria mori.