FunkStacy Nathaniel Jackson
1. root: funky electric
slant axis
bass guitar : brain
pluck, the tethered line
"get the funk out
get the funk out of my face" jazz is math math is god my daddy used to say pulse drum bass thrummed like a ball against the wall guitar in drag, soprano moan howl through an upturned whine juju beat (heal me) inspired, necks rock steady to air rock jazz blues & gospel 123456 7 8 7.8 7 eight 7-8 seven Eight sonic miscegenation
Lift every voice & ____
while the colored girls sing
while the colored girls sing
while the colored girls sing
2. unrecognizable odor or attitude, primarily unfavourable (funky) as in:
fragile like my daddy & his feet
It's his blood pressure, that's the problem he says,
3. Art at the source: funky fresh
cochlea does its work
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