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VesselsKim YagedOutside the Camps(SIRENS, a CRASH, BREAKING GLASS. A SEARCHLIGHT.) 25-54 Yes, they were my customers -- Jews. (The LIGHT finds 25-54. She is handcuffed.) 25-54 (CONT'D) Not only Jews. But also Jews. I have no preferences. But, I love my country. I believe in my country. So, you see, it's my obligation. What would you do? My allegiance is to my country. So, when they named names, I gave a nod. It was pre-emptive. Them or us. Them or me. I never named names. Just a nod. Here or there -- Only here or there. As the need may be. Never thinking they would come back -- for me. AGED "In National Socialism, the individual does not count as far as society is concerned." 25-54 They don't take lesbians too seriously. A woman "retains her usability in terms of population policy." Except for repeat offenders. I was helping them. Patriot, loyalist, party supporter. Me, a so-called repeat offender. (12-17 interrogates 25-54 and AGED.) 12-17 Radical 25-54 punishable 12-17 Radical AGED criminal 12-17 Radical AGED sexual 12-17 Radical AGED "The police were moving to criminalize lesbian relations during the war." 12-17 Radical 25-54 interaction 12-17 Radical 25-54 content 12-17 Radical AGED conformity 25-54 I was sent to a camp. An all-male camp. See, this is my punishment for how I look, dress. They knew. They all knew. Why else would a woman be there? Lesbian equals man. I am among my own kind. So the thinking goes. They were not yet weak. And although lesbian equals man, I still looked woman enough to a camp full of dehumanized males. Or maybe they're just tired of each other by this point. AGED This is where they sent her. 25-54 I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, God, this is my punishment." And wondering if it could ever be punishment enough. AGED And the truth is, I was glad for it. 12-17 Children turned in their parents 25-54 Women left their lovers 12-17 Exile 25-54 Married men AGED Disappear from view 25-54 Sometimes gay men -- AGED for pretense, protection 12-17 Marrying for camouflage 25-54 But you had to have children AGED Desirable births 12-17 Increase the rate 25-54 Of desirable births 12-17 Propagate the race 25-54 Otherwise it was a treason of sorts AGED "Subversion of the national defense" 12-17 Woman 25-54 Only woman AGED Tool 25-54 Vessel 12-17 For reproduction 25-54 Sport (A wave of CHEERS.) AGED Truthfully, women didn't matter. 25-54 The Gestapo came in (12-17 acts girlish and flirty.) 12-17 Hide and seek AGED We had talked about what we would do 12-17 She's in the barrel, the barrel, the barrel -- point, point, point -- wink, wink, wink... 25-54 My girlfriend and I 12-17 Check under the bed, the closet, the storage space... 25-54 They had lists
One, two... AGED The owner of one of the bars was turning people in
...buckle my shoe 25-54 Everyone turning people in
Three, four... AGED We prepared ourselves for rape.
...shut the door AGED I was a pretty girl
We don't wanna fight no more. AGED Not so much now -- you can't tell. 25-54 But, the Nazis could be bought for a price. 12-17 I am not so naive. 25-54 Keep them entertained. (12-17 begins tap dancing.) 12-17 But just naive enough. 25-54 As long as you keep them entertained. 12-17 They won't hurt me if I keep them entertained. AGED It's a war. 25-54 It's a crime. AGED "You're such a beautiful girl." 12-17 He says, AGED "It's such a waste." 25-54 Follow the rules. (12-17 stops dancing.) 12-17 And he touched my cheek. (AGED and 12-17 are back to back. They raise their arms in unison touching their own cheeks.) AGED And we're left 25-54 To find the heroes 12-17 the role models 25-54 the women who look like me 12-17 Jew AGED Dyke 25-54 Bore AGED Whore 12-17 Lesbian AGED Butch 25-54 Can't make up her mind 12-17 Bi 25-54 Freak AGED Self-loathing 12-17 Cheat 25-54 Can't find them anymore. AGED Lack of images 12-17 Invisibility 25-54 Lack of memories AGED The sphere subordinate to men 12-17 Lack of meaning 25-54 Girl AGED freak 25-54 foreigner 12-17 Without AGED girl 25-54 land 12-17 hope 25-54 Socially maladjusted AGED Anti-social 12-17 I prefer not to think of myself as "anti." 25-54 "Asocial" AGED -- when there is no offense to speak of 25-54 Behavior which may not in itself be criminal AGED Lack of conformity, perhaps. 12-17 Individuality -- being out of fashion. 25-54 This is what we were condemned for. (AGED holds a protest sign.) AGED Not everyone was willing to conform. Skills. Political or otherwise. To keep my identity. Never surrender. My camaraderie. Companionship. Loyalty. Admit to nothing. I don't have to hold up a sign. To stage my protest. I have my own production quotas to meet. Do not dwell on demise. Live my life. Escaping. Help others escape. Even just momentarily. They can not invade me. 12-17 It was not illegal to be a lesbian AGED An "acquired vice" 25-54 Eradicate AGED Contagious degeneracy 25-54 Threatened 12-17 the nation AGED Terrorize 25-54 Social conformity AGED Non-criminalization of female homosexuality 25-54 My diagnosis 12-17 My disease 25-54 Legalities, trivialities AGED It does not affect reality. 25-54 Lesbians were not systematically rounded up 12-17 Eliminated AGED They just turned up missing 25-54 Left 12-17 dead AGED Left 25-54 shattered 12-17 Left AGED the resistance 25-54 We were disappeared 12-17 Banned AGED Arrested 12-17 Hid 25-54 Returned AGED Different 12-17 Or not at all. 25-54 What would you call us? 12-17 Enemy combatants AGED Such guilt 25-54 Over not being persecuted 12-17 Fleeing 25-54 Conforming 12-17 Not fighting enough AGED I was proud to be arrested 25-54 Showed we were opposed to the goings on 12-17 Active resistance 25-54 Trials 12-17 Afraid AGED Interrogation 25-54 Of ending up in jail 12-17 Again 25-54 Can't forgive myself AGED "We paid our rent, looked respectable, and behaved ourselves." (12-17 takes the protest sign from AGED.) 12-17 People had to get on with their day to day AGED Help where they could 25-54 Others lived in exile 12-17 Run 25-54 Stay 12-17 Helped AGED Migrate 25-54 Favors 12-17 Freed me AGED Not all Germans were Nazis 25-54 Forged border passes 12-17 An opportune door left ajar AGED A stamp on an expired passport 12-17 Spare food ration cards 25-54 Small signs of resistance AGED To help you survive. 25-54 Outside Germany it was often no better 12-17 England -- AGED "Arbitrary criteria" 25-54 For "justified internment" 12-17 France, Switzerland -- 25-54 "Threatened with deportation" AGED "Protective custody" for the Jews. This is what they called it. 12-17 Lesbians could get by 25-54 Isolate yourself 12-17 Exercise caution 25-54 Not a threat AGED "Conduct yourself accordingly" 25-54 Some just stopped having relations during the war. 12-17 Not me -- ![]() Next Page: Love & Sex (page 4 of 8 pages) All Pages: See the entire play on one page Table of Contents: Vessels
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