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VesselsKim YagedCharacters, Time, Place, SettingCharacters12-17, a girl representational of girls between the ages of 12 and 17, boyish, she is aged beyond her years. 25-54, a woman representational of women between the ages of 25 and 54, androgynous, she is hardened beyond her years. AGED, an elderly woman, masculine but obviously female, she is a unique mix of fury and peace. TimeThe past and present. PlaceThe lesbian diaspora. SettingThe set should be minimalist, suggestive of a mood rather than literal. Pre-War(ALL stand in a circle, each turning as she speaks.) 12-17 I am birth AGED I am death 25-54 I am what happens in-between. (They stand back to back to back forming a triangle of sorts.) AGED Women were not admitted to universities in Germany until 1908. (Photos of female German intellectuals FLASH.)
A woman is -- 25-54 woman AGED woman 12-17 woman -- 25-54 less than. AGED Women were prohibited from political organizing until 1908. (Photos of protestors FLASH.) 12-17 woman 25-54 woman AGED woman 12-17 Less than 25-54 A lesbian is (Photos of nothingness FLASH.) 12-17 woman 25-54 woman AGED woman 25-54 Not a woman AGED Vessels 12-17 Just a place to put my -- 25-54 Triangles AGED Pink -- 12-17 homosexual men AGED Black -- 25-54 asocial behavior AGED Red -- 12-17 political dissidents AGED Green -- 25-54 criminal activity AGED Triangles 12-17 Lesbians 25-54 Didn't even rate our own 12-17 Triangles AGED Unequal status 25-54 Paragraph 175 illegalized homosexual activity between men 12-17 Sickness, crime and sin 25-54 But not women AGED Why bother? 12-17 Not a threat AGED Lesbians were not hunted and persecuted as much as men 12-17 No legal basis 25-54 Don't take lesbians too seriously 12-17 Temporary 25-54 Curable AGED Condition 25-54 Mostly gay men were targeted 12-17 Vessels AGED Merely vessels (12-17 toes the party line.) 12-17 "You should not associate lesbians with the Holocaust." (25-54 lines up next to 12-17.) 25-54 We were all so surprised (AGED lines up next to 25-54.) AGED -- Not all -- 25-54 We shouldn't have been. (AGED transforms as she breaks out of formation.) AGED At first I tell myself, "I am not ashamed. I wear star." Then we hear about the triangles. And this, well, it did not resonate, not so much. I still remember. "What comes next?" I wonder. Patches for woman, mother, bitch, whore -- all the appropriate nomenclature for female lined up on my sleeve like military personnel. My badges of dishonor. This way, don't look at me, don't talk to me. You know my place immediate -- no words, no thought is necessary. Ease, acceptance, passivity -- the tranquilizer of a society so that hell can burn around you -- registrations, interviews, people gone missing -- no explanations, small articles on the bottom left corner of the Saturday evening news, but you do not have to acknowledge -- patriot, loyalist -- support the troops! Your mission is acceptance. 12-17 It was clear from the very beginning 25-54 Financed AGED Military finance 12-17 Lobbyists 25-54 Put him in office AGED Shrewd 25-54 Propaganda 12-17 Shrewd AGED Play off the fear 25-54 Defend ourselves to death 12-17 As long as we win the war 25-54 Terror AGED Whose war is it 12-17 Terror 25-54 "Mass power of suggestion" AGED And who would go against it? 25-54 "Climate of fear" AGED What's a person to do? 25-54 I'm not political. AGED Platform -- 25-54 Law and order 12-17 Traditional values AGED Forced to vote 25-54 I didn't even want to AGED "Election" in quotation marks 12-17 Rigged the ballot box 25-54 Avoid confrontation AGED "Didn't have the nerve to vote against" 12-17 Others did AGED New 25-54 What in the world 12-17 Order AGED Is happening? 25-54 "More than three million votes registered against" ALL And still they came to power (ALL turn to face the Führer. 12-17 transforms as she breaks off from the others.) 12-17 To be a man. To fight. I never wanted to be a man. Don't get me wrong. But to be part of something. I know there's the Reich Labor Service for Female Youth. But they're not as important. Don't get me wrong. We're all important. I just want to contribute. Do my part. Play my role. 25-54 Instruments 12-17 of persecution 25-54 Extraordinary authority AGED To employ 25-54 Survey 12-17 Suspect AGED Seize 25-54 Detain AGED Intern 12-17 Confine AGED Preventive custody 12-17 Without legal recourse 25-54 Unlimited preventive detention 12-17 Without legal proceedings (25-54 interrogates 12-17 and AGED.) 25-54 State AGED your name 12-17 March! 25-54 State 12-17 the truth AGED March! 25-54 State AGED sponsored tyranny 12-17 March! 25-54 State 12-17 of hypocrisy (25-54 lifts her legs high, marching in place.) AGED March! (12-17 raises her arm, "Heil Hitler," and joins the marching.) 12-17 Manipulation AGED So afraid ALL March! (ALL march in place, arms raised.) 25-54 I wasn't Jewish... 12-17 "We were left in peace." AGED As long as we were very careful about what we said. (ALL fall silent. Stillness.) AGED (CONT'D) Germany wasn't always like this. (MUSIC. A sultry female voice sings. 25-54 transforms as she steps out.) 25-54 We would dress up. I don't mean dresses. Suit and tie always for me. We were all so young we had to sneak into the bars. We would save up all our wages for the week, beg or steal to get there. Saturday night was the night. Not to be missed. We would go and break hearts -- or have our hearts broken. All competing for the same girl. Always older. We wanted her to show us the ropes. She would strip me down -- (12-17 begins undressing.) 25-54 (CONT'D) -- piece by piece. My own special education. And, I'm naked in ways I've never experienced before. (AGED and 12-17 dance together closely.) AGED There were more gay bars in the Weimar Republic before the war than now -- still 12-17 Golden Ball "Bowling Club," Cloverleaf "Savings Club," the Violetta... 25-54 The most vibrant gay culture in the world in the 1920s 12-17 Poets 25-54 Actors AGED Singers 25-54 Artists 12-17 Stars -- AGED Anita Berber 25-54 Susu Wannowsky 12-17 Zarah Leander 25-54 Celly de Reydt AGED Lene Ludwig 25-54 Erika Mann 12-17 Margo Lion AGED Claire Waldoff
Oh, Claire Waldoff!
"A sweet and charming little creature;
Her little bobbed head is her cutest feature.
No one can even clarify
If you're a lady or a guy!" (ALL LAUGH.)
Claire Waldoff... AGED She even taught Marlene Dietrich.
How much, I won't say -- if you know what I'm saying. AGED But, women's places began to shut down 12-17 ...the Mali and Igel Club, the Eldorado, the Taverne, the Dorian Gray... AGED Lesbian places began to shut down 12-17 ...Zauberflöte, the Geisha Bar, the Monocle... AGED There were secrets and hiding and raids. 12-17 ...Verona Hall, the Jolly Joker, Monbijou Ladies' Club... 25-54 We were freer during the Weimar Republic
Freedom? There were more bars, more booze, more parties... 12-17 Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin AGED But what means bars? What about centers -- signs of civilization? Real means to express ourselves, not forget ourselves? (12-17 puts on a prisoner uniform.) 25-54 We were freer than even today. AGED If you call censorship 12-17 Bernburg Nursing Home AGED Avoidance 25-54 Ravensbrück Women's Concentration Camp AGED Silence 12-17 Flossenbürg, AGED Acceptance -- 25-54 Moringen AGED Allowing the discrimination -- 12-17 Then it was freer. 25-54 More bars, AGED perhaps, 12-17 ...Charlottenburg Rowing Club, Leibniz Den... AGED But freedom? Outside the Camps(SIRENS, a CRASH, BREAKING GLASS. A SEARCHLIGHT.) 25-54 Yes, they were my customers -- Jews. (The LIGHT finds 25-54. She is handcuffed.) 25-54 (CONT'D) Not only Jews. But also Jews. I have no preferences. But, I love my country. I believe in my country. So, you see, it's my obligation. What would you do? My allegiance is to my country. So, when they named names, I gave a nod. It was pre-emptive. Them or us. Them or me. I never named names. Just a nod. Here or there -- Only here or there. As the need may be. Never thinking they would come back -- for me. AGED "In National Socialism, the individual does not count as far as society is concerned." 25-54 They don't take lesbians too seriously. A woman "retains her usability in terms of population policy." Except for repeat offenders. I was helping them. Patriot, loyalist, party supporter. Me, a so-called repeat offender. (12-17 interrogates 25-54 and AGED.) 12-17 Radical 25-54 punishable 12-17 Radical AGED criminal 12-17 Radical AGED sexual 12-17 Radical AGED "The police were moving to criminalize lesbian relations during the war." 12-17 Radical 25-54 interaction 12-17 Radical 25-54 content 12-17 Radical AGED conformity 25-54 I was sent to a camp. An all-male camp. See, this is my punishment for how I look, dress. They knew. They all knew. Why else would a woman be there? Lesbian equals man. I am among my own kind. So the thinking goes. They were not yet weak. And although lesbian equals man, I still looked woman enough to a camp full of dehumanized males. Or maybe they're just tired of each other by this point. AGED This is where they sent her. 25-54 I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, God, this is my punishment." And wondering if it could ever be punishment enough. AGED And the truth is, I was glad for it. 12-17 Children turned in their parents 25-54 Women left their lovers 12-17 Exile 25-54 Married men AGED Disappear from view 25-54 Sometimes gay men -- AGED for pretense, protection 12-17 Marrying for camouflage 25-54 But you had to have children AGED Desirable births 12-17 Increase the rate 25-54 Of desirable births 12-17 Propagate the race 25-54 Otherwise it was a treason of sorts AGED "Subversion of the national defense" 12-17 Woman 25-54 Only woman AGED Tool 25-54 Vessel 12-17 For reproduction 25-54 Sport (A wave of CHEERS.) AGED Truthfully, women didn't matter. 25-54 The Gestapo came in (12-17 acts girlish and flirty.) 12-17 Hide and seek AGED We had talked about what we would do 12-17 She's in the barrel, the barrel, the barrel -- point, point, point -- wink, wink, wink... 25-54 My girlfriend and I 12-17 Check under the bed, the closet, the storage space... 25-54 They had lists
One, two... AGED The owner of one of the bars was turning people in
...buckle my shoe 25-54 Everyone turning people in
Three, four... AGED We prepared ourselves for rape.
...shut the door AGED I was a pretty girl
We don't wanna fight no more. AGED Not so much now -- you can't tell. 25-54 But, the Nazis could be bought for a price. 12-17 I am not so naive. 25-54 Keep them entertained. (12-17 begins tap dancing.) 12-17 But just naive enough. 25-54 As long as you keep them entertained. 12-17 They won't hurt me if I keep them entertained. AGED It's a war. 25-54 It's a crime. AGED "You're such a beautiful girl." 12-17 He says, AGED "It's such a waste." 25-54 Follow the rules. (12-17 stops dancing.) 12-17 And he touched my cheek. (AGED and 12-17 are back to back. They raise their arms in unison touching their own cheeks.) AGED And we're left 25-54 To find the heroes 12-17 the role models 25-54 the women who look like me 12-17 Jew AGED Dyke 25-54 Bore AGED Whore 12-17 Lesbian AGED Butch 25-54 Can't make up her mind 12-17 Bi 25-54 Freak AGED Self-loathing 12-17 Cheat 25-54 Can't find them anymore. AGED Lack of images 12-17 Invisibility 25-54 Lack of memories AGED The sphere subordinate to men 12-17 Lack of meaning 25-54 Girl AGED freak 25-54 foreigner 12-17 Without AGED girl 25-54 land 12-17 hope 25-54 Socially maladjusted AGED Anti-social 12-17 I prefer not to think of myself as "anti." 25-54 "Asocial" AGED -- when there is no offense to speak of 25-54 Behavior which may not in itself be criminal AGED Lack of conformity, perhaps. 12-17 Individuality -- being out of fashion. 25-54 This is what we were condemned for. (AGED holds a protest sign.) AGED Not everyone was willing to conform. Skills. Political or otherwise. To keep my identity. Never surrender. My camaraderie. Companionship. Loyalty. Admit to nothing. I don't have to hold up a sign. To stage my protest. I have my own production quotas to meet. Do not dwell on demise. Live my life. Escaping. Help others escape. Even just momentarily. They can not invade me. 12-17 It was not illegal to be a lesbian AGED An "acquired vice" 25-54 Eradicate AGED Contagious degeneracy 25-54 Threatened 12-17 the nation AGED Terrorize 25-54 Social conformity AGED Non-criminalization of female homosexuality 25-54 My diagnosis 12-17 My disease 25-54 Legalities, trivialities AGED It does not affect reality. 25-54 Lesbians were not systematically rounded up 12-17 Eliminated AGED They just turned up missing 25-54 Left 12-17 dead AGED Left 25-54 shattered 12-17 Left AGED the resistance 25-54 We were disappeared 12-17 Banned AGED Arrested 12-17 Hid 25-54 Returned AGED Different 12-17 Or not at all. 25-54 What would you call us? 12-17 Enemy combatants AGED Such guilt 25-54 Over not being persecuted 12-17 Fleeing 25-54 Conforming 12-17 Not fighting enough AGED I was proud to be arrested 25-54 Showed we were opposed to the goings on 12-17 Active resistance 25-54 Trials 12-17 Afraid AGED Interrogation 25-54 Of ending up in jail 12-17 Again 25-54 Can't forgive myself AGED "We paid our rent, looked respectable, and behaved ourselves." (12-17 takes the protest sign from AGED.) 12-17 People had to get on with their day to day AGED Help where they could 25-54 Others lived in exile 12-17 Run 25-54 Stay 12-17 Helped AGED Migrate 25-54 Favors 12-17 Freed me AGED Not all Germans were Nazis 25-54 Forged border passes 12-17 An opportune door left ajar AGED A stamp on an expired passport 12-17 Spare food ration cards 25-54 Small signs of resistance AGED To help you survive. 25-54 Outside Germany it was often no better 12-17 England -- AGED "Arbitrary criteria" 25-54 For "justified internment" 12-17 France, Switzerland -- 25-54 "Threatened with deportation" AGED "Protective custody" for the Jews. This is what they called it. 12-17 Lesbians could get by 25-54 Isolate yourself 12-17 Exercise caution 25-54 Not a threat AGED "Conduct yourself accordingly" 25-54 Some just stopped having relations during the war. 12-17 Not me -- Love & Sex(ALL primp.) AGED A lover? 25-54 My lover? 12-17 There is no lover 25-54 Only starvation 12-17 for physical contact 25-54 until even the contact is as painful as the isolation... AGED You want to see me. Cower. Blood. Sweat. And fears. But, I come to you. No bended knee. Miss. Trials. Tribulations. Accusations. Remembrance of more than I care to offer. Prime of my... 12-17 Life. 25-54 Makes no promises. (ALL weave in and out of one another. An odd mating ritual.) AGED Bended knee? Perhaps to court. Or be courted. Physical need. Slip down a thigh. 25-54 Lips. AGED That are not mine. It can wait. It's only physical. Need. It will come in time. Don't push. The envelope. Hold your horses. Refrain. From the unspeakable. 12-17 Immediate gratification AGED Social revolution. 25-54 Change your routine. 12-17 Deceit. AGED Question authority. 25-54 Pass without looking. AGED Demand your fill. 12-17 No longer recognize. 25-54 Try not to attract attention.
Exercise restraint. 25-54 Don't tell me you're right AGED Spared 12-17 if prepared 25-54 to conform. 12-17 There are no rights. AGED The rich diversity of perversities 25-54 I am 12-17 Not me. (The weaving slowly becomes a polonaise.) AGED Isolation behind walls 12-17 One, two, three... 25-54 It's amazing when you stop to think about it. 12-17 One, two, three... AGED She was thirty years older than me 12-17 One, two, three... AGED "When many spouses of so-called mixed marriages were abandoning one another 12-17 One, two, three... 25-54 Thirteen years younger AGED It seems even more a miracle that a woman would stand beside her Jewish lover" 12-17 One, two, three... 25-54 That wasn't unusual AGED Help her go underground 12-17 One, two, three... 25-54 But she did. AGED We would hold hands when we went for walks in the park. If someone should stop us, she'd say she was my mother -- the difference in our age was so great. But, no one asked questions. "Such affections were expected in the fairer sex." 25-54 "My girlfriend was very supportive. She had made herself blond." AGED She helped get me out from the Gestapo 12-17 "Everyone was turning blond overnight." 25-54 She was arrested for immoral behavior 12-17 Corrupting a minor AGED I don't know it was so typical. 25-54 Maybe we were just searching for solace. 12-17 Or opportunity. AGED She would have been my father's age. 12-17 Where we could find it. AGED "I dated one woman, she made me curl my hair, wear dresses she was so afraid. 12-17 Pants are not okay 25-54 But, I loved the boyish look. That was my type. 12-17 The police followed me home AGED They would measure my wrists -- accuse me of being a man in disguise." 25-54 Secrecy AGED Repression 12-17 "Hide your true nature" 25-54 Or end up in a concentration camp. (The dancing stops.) In the Camps(ALL line up for roll call.) 25-54 Not all lesbians were heroes. 12-17 There was a lesbian room senior in our block at the camp. AGED What makes a lesbian most? 12-17 She would use her position to pressure prisoners into granting sexual favors. 25-54 Promise or profit? Practice or purpose? Passion or proximity? AGED We slept three in a bed. 12-17 A cuddle? 25-54 A touch? AGED The bravery to care? 25-54 Lesbian by degrees. 12-17 Situation AGED Semantics 12-17 Shameless AGED Hunger 25-54 Vitality AGED Lesbianism was not illegal outside the camps, but inside it was. 12-17 The guards were frequent offenders. AGED So how could they turn others in? 12-17 You couldn't help but oversee the lovemaking. 25-54 Unwilling voyeur. 12-17 "Jules." That's what we called the more masculine ones in a couple. 25-54 Profound, durable relationships. AGED Lending new meaning to the words, "Until death do us part." (AGED hands 25-54 a withered bouquet.) 25-54 They had brothels in the camp. 12-17 Not just for SS. AGED The prettiest women went to the brothels for the SS. 25-54 But the prisoners had their own brothels. AGED They thought it would combat male homosexuality, improve the work of prisoners -- more weapons. 12-17 Incentive programs AGED With the promise of better food, private rooms, more comfortable conditions, and release after six months. 12-17 They asked for "volunteers." AGED Prostitutes. Mostly former prostitutes. But others too. (25-54 timidly raises her hand.) 25-54 I had already been there four years. (AGED reads from a report.) AGED "Their commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the weakness of their numbers." 12-17 Nazis especially liked lesbians to work the brothels. AGED Shape them up! 12-17 My period AGED Designation of readiness 25-54 of service. (25-54 saunters over to an imaginary client.) 25-54 (CONT'D) Eight men. In two hours. Every day. There was this one. He was a handsome young man. I'm sure he was. By the time I met him -- not so much. But, such charm. You don't get that from nowhere. "Please, call me --" Odd sort of courtship. I was part of his treatment. Re-education. Or eradication. He never touched me. Not once. Maybe when the SS were looking through the peephole. But that's it. Pink triangle. A kinsman of sorts. It was a relief to just talk. Not for nothing, I would have sworn up and down for him. But, one day, he was gone. AGED Strip 25-54 Tease 12-17 My mind AGED Put in your time. 25-54 I can convince myself to suck up my soul just long enough. AGED Lured 12-17 Forced 25-54 Promised AGED Half a year 12-17 Six months 25-54 Recommended time AGED To cure 12-17 or be cured 25-54 Just wishful thinking 12-17 Because there's nothing left to hold on to once you give up your dreams. AGED You will never know 25-54 You will never know 12-17 You will never know 25-54 What's become of me? Post-War(AGED steps out of formation.) AGED A-troc-i-ties. I had difficulty saying that word when I first came over -- four syllables. Atrocities. Special words for unspeakable deeds -- impossible choices. It loses its impact upon repeating. Age groups. There are different values on different places, stages, ages. Because your worth will change to them and just as soon to yourself. Once your utility has gone. Your perceived utility -- of a woman, girl -- not man lover -- no baby machine -- no use. We covet age, utility. Much has changed over time but not quite enough. 12-17 Split consciousness 25-54 Schizophrenic reaction AGED Pervasive 12-17 Atmosphere of fear 25-54 Modern pathology AGED Crisis in industrial class society 25-54 Monopolists 12-17 Capitalists 25-54 Developmental policy (12-17 hits on an imaginary woman walking past.) 12-17 Hey baby -- AGED Race-corroding 25-54 Race-debasing AGED Demand for criminalization 25-54 Ethnically threatening AGED Your sin against humanity
Or mine? AGED Blind 25-54 To issues of individual human culpability 12-17 Contributed 25-54 Outbreak AGED Rise 12-17 Threatening 25-54 Thriving AGED Totalitarianism 12-17 Anything to survive. 25-54 But this is all in my mind. Stories. So many stories that are not mine. Because there are so few tellers. AGED I am a storyteller of others' stories -- stories otherwise left behind. 12-17 It is left to me to do all the remembering. AGED Juxtaposition 12-17 impact 25-54 irony 12-17 Rationalization 25-54 My place in history AGED I would rather have been anonymous. 12-17 Exceptions AGED I am exceptional by virtue of my survival. 25-54 These stories are all exceptions. 12-17 All survivor stories 25-54 All survivor stories AGED All survivor stories ALL Are exceptions. (BUILDING.) AGED I don't have words 12-17 For my anger 25-54 For my anger AGED For my anger 25-54 I don't have words 12-17 Hate AGED And anger fuel me 12-17 I don't have words AGED For my anger 12-17 For my anger 25-54 For my anger AGED I refuse to let 25-54 Hate 12-17 And anger fuel me AGED I don't have words 25-54 For my anger AGED For my anger 12-17 For my anger 25-54 I refuse to let AGED Hate 25-54 And anger fuel me AGED I don't have words 12-17 Hate 25-54 And anger fuel me 12-17 I refuse to let 25-54 Hate AGED And anger fuel me 12-17 I don't have words 25-54 For my anger AGED Hate 12-17 And anger fuel me 25-54 I refuse to let AGED Hate 25-54 I don't have words 12-17 And anger fuel me AGED I refuse to let (Each turns as she speaks.) 25-54 Birth 12-17 Death AGED What happens in-between. (ALL stand in a circle.) THE END Production HistoryVessels was commissioned by the Ivy Theatre for The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust in conjunction with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibit "The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945." The play was subsequently performed at the Renberg Theatre in Hollywood and as part of the Native Aliens Theatre Festival in New York. Copyright NoticeThis work is fully protected by copyright. No alterations, deletions or substitutions may be made in the work without the prior written consent of the playwright. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, videotape, film, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the playwright. It may not be performed either by professionals or amateurs without payment of royalty. All rights, including but not limited to the professional, motion picture, radio, television, videotape, foreign language, tabloid, recitation, lecturing, publication and reading are reserved. Table of Contents: Vessels
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