Issue 16 • Winter 2005 • Poetry
Still Life, Sealed Letter
Carrie-Sinclair Katz
Go now, crushed world.
I feel the cramp
Of how you're folded.
Temple to blue knee,
You'll be cloistered first
In war-shaped plane, then room
After parching room, staining
You with Wait.
Knowing you and knowing well
Where now I send you,
The corners of you lightly tacked,
She will take you in
Her long hot hands, and tear
You clean, apart.
Carrie-Sinclair Katz's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Fourteen Hills, Comfusion Magazine, horse less review, Transfer, The Big Ugly Review, Goetry, Wild Strawberries, and others. Eight of her plays have been produced in London at the Chelsea and Latchmere Theatres (Theatre503). Her play Triptych was chosen as a finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights' Festival, and she also teaches creative writing in the vast and overcrowded prison system of California.

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