Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly an online journal of the finest gay, lesbian, and queer literature a pencil drawing of a star by Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ryan


Issue 8 • Winter 2003
Doric Wilson

Doric Wilson

Playwright Doric Wilson deftly survived both the Stonewall Riots and New York City's off-off Broadway. His first play And He Made Her opened at the famed Caffé Cino in 1961, and with subsequent productions, such as The West Street Gang and Street Theater, he earned his place as one of our best playwrights. He co-founded The Other Side of Silence (TOSOS), the first out professional theatre company, as well as Circle Repertory Theater, and in 1994 he received the very first Robert Chesley Award for Lifetime Achievement in Gay Theatre. Edward Albee once told Wilson that he was "too nice to be a playwright," but Wilson's life in the theatre shows just how well nice guys can do.

Drama by Doric Wilson:
Now She Dances!, a fantasia on the trial of Oscar Wilde in two acts


Clint Catalyst

Clint Catalyst
Farewell to the Shade

Into the world of sex, drugs, and Goth-n-Roll

Marshall Moore
For Your Own Good

What's a man to do to find a little peace and privacy?

Andy Quan

The strange ways we've come to express love

Susan Stinson
In the Beginning and Lake

Slow, easy rides -- and those stupendous details along the way

Allen Ellenzweig
Excerpt from The French Professor

"With lies, self-denial, unspoken regret and the sick eyes that blame..."

Maria Benevento

Late night, by monitor's light, what might she seek?


Linda Eisenstein

Linda Eisenstein
Marla's Devotion

An off-beat comedy about relationships -- and the exquisite difficulty of making changes that actually change anything

Peter Sinn Nachtrieb
Meaningless, a late 1990's nostalgia play

Part satire, part painful truth, part meaningless


Unfortunately, Lodestar Quarterly is no longer accepting submissions. Thank you for your interest and good luck in placing your manuscripts elsewhere.


Marty McConnell

Marty McConnell
all the way down and (desire unbound)

At the intersection of worlds, and words, breaking bounds

Ron Mohring
The Sign, Compassion, Common, Pelargonium, Fifty, Invisibility

Wrought with courage and gratitude -- what can we see through his eyes?

Amy King
Adolescing Season

So delicate and deceptively simple are insects

Peggy Munson
I Saw An Image of the Virgin Mary, The Moon Burned a Scar on My Wrist, Sleeping on the Edge of the Prairie

This physical act -- always in touch with life and the reality of death

Ali Liebegott
Excerpts of The Beautifully Worthless

The line between giddy delirium and heart-sopping melancholy

Raymond Luczak
Farewell Sestina to A.R.

Come and going is so often a grievous affair