Lodestar Quarterly

Lodestar Quarterly
Figure reaching for a star Issue 19 • Fall 2006 • Poetry

To a Dear Friend Mothering Misery

Kamilah Aisha Moon

Every time your grief cries,
you pick it up, cradle it
like a newborn. But your pain
isn't precious, not your life-long
responsibility. For each doting moment,

your soul refuses to sing for days -- and the world
needs your music too much.

Please leave it be; no more milk. Let it cry
for nights on end unattended. Let it
forget how your heartbeat sounds, the warmth
of your skin. Stop making it soup when it coughs,
setting a place for it at the table or buying it
new clothes. Convert its old room into
a sanctuary for things you adore.
Let your ache become self-sufficient
and grow apart from you,

walk out the door
and forget to call home.

Kamilah Aisha Moon is a Cave Canem fellow, a Paumanok Award semi-finalist, and an Emily Dickinson Award Honorable Mention. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Mosaic, Bittersweet, Open City, Phoenix, bum rush the page, Warpland, Obsidian III, Toward the Livable City, Essence, Bloom, and Gathering Ground. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, she is currently working on She Has A Name, a collection of poetry themed around her sister's journey living with autism. A 2006 Prague Summer Writing Institute Fellow and a featured poet in various conferences and venues around the United States, Moon received her MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College.

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